Sunday, August 8, 2010

Legendary Golden Fuzzie Adventure Part 1

Izzy, Zach, Luke, Jake, and Jayden stared at the post-it, looking confused. Unknown bandits have stolen the map that would lead them to the Legendary Golden Fuzzie, which was hidden underground by the notorious viking Tiddly Globinston and her warriors long ago. Now the map was stolen, and the kids were stuck with a clue to try to find it again. All it said was Taiwan. Izzy paced around the room. "I've got it!" she exclaimed. "Really!?" yelled Zach. "Yeah, remember the legend that said the Golden Fuzzie was hidden on those islands, Jade mountain, Taroko Gorge, or the Historic Longshan Temple." she replied. "I guess we are going to Taiwan." said Zach raising his wand. "No!" said Izzy. "What?" asked Zach lowering his wand. "They'll be able to track us if we use magic." Izzy reminded them. "You mean..." Zach was stopped by Izzy. "Yup, we have to use public transportation." "But where are we going to get the money?" asked Zach. Izzy put a worried look on her face. "Err..."

To Be Continued...

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